Stuck Video Devotional (vol. 13) – Israel

For our final installment of our kids’ devotional series – “Stuck: How God Meets us in Tight Places,” we turn to the ultimate Stuck Story: the Exodus. I hope this serves as a resource to you as you discuss the sins of partiality, injustice, and racism with your children.

Scroll down to find Scriptures, Discussion Questions, and Book Recommendations.

Stuck in Egypt – Israel


  • “During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.” (Exodus 2:23–25)

  • “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3–4)

Discussion Questions

WHAT (what did we learn from God’s Word?)

  • What happened to Joseph’s family years later in Egypt? (The new Pharaoh made them slaves)
  • When they cried to God for help, what 4 things did He do? (Heard them, Remembered His Covenant, Saw them, and Knew)
  • What is the Sin of Pharaoh/Jonah/Israel vs. Samaritans/Peter? (Thinking and living like people a certain skin color are better, safer, or smarter. This often leads to mistreating people, or looking the other way when they are mistreated)
  • What is another word for this sin? (Racism)

SO WHAT? (Why does it matter?)

  • Can people who love Jesus struggle with racism? (yes)
  • What are we called to do when we sin? (Confess that sin, receive forgiveness from Jesus, and turn away from sin to walk with God, God’s way)
  • How does Moses remind us of Jesus? (Led God’s people out of slavery, punished evil, and brought God’s people to freedom in the Promised Land)
  • How is Jesus better than Moses? (The waves of God’s anger against sin crashed down on Jesus on the cross so that we could go free. Moses was a sinner just like us, and died, but Jesus is alive and will one day bring us to a better promised land – heaven)

NOW WHAT? (What difference does it make in my life?)

  • How does it make you feel to know that God Hears, Remembers, Sees, and Knows you?
  • How can you Hear, Remember, See, and Know people who are different than you?
  • Has the sin of racism ever come out in your heart, head, or mouth? Is there any way you need to confess and repent to God, or anyone you need to ask to forgive you?
  • What kind of “Body Rules” can you have as a family, and what kind can we have at Redeemer? (When you see something, say something, etc)
  • When do you cry out for help to God? Would you like to ask Him to save you NOW, and not wait until you feel stuck in sin?


  • TELL: Tell God how you feel, tell Him the things you are thankful for, tell Him how much you need Him (confess your sins)
  • ASK: Ask God for what you need, ask Him to help you and others (For people who face injustice because of their race, for God to open your eyes to see, hear, remember, and know people who’s lives may not be like yours)
  • GIVE: Give God glory, honor, and praise!


In Case You Missed It: