What to Expect
A Preview into Our Family
Sundays at Redeemer
We have two Sunday morning worship services at 8:00 am and 11:00 am.
We are located on 640 Northside Drive drive in the Broadmoor/Broadmeadow neighborhood, east of State Street. Directions ›
Parking: You may park in Redeemer's main parking lot on the west side of the church or in the small lot in the back. Street parking is also available in the surrounding neighborhood if both lots are full.
We are an intentionally multi-ethnic, cross-cultural, socio-economically diverse church. Our attire is as varied as our congregants! Some are comfortable in a suit and tie and others wear jeans and a t-shirt. Don’t let clothing be an obstacle to joining us for worship and finding a home among God's people here!
Our Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 am. We offer 5 different adult classes, as well as age appropriate small-group Bible teaching for children ages 4 years old and up. You can find more information about what classes we offer on our Sunday School page.
We also offer an Inquirer's Class for people who are interested in learning more about the vision and mission of Redeemer. This class is required for all who plan to become members.
We love to see families together in worship! You are always welcome to worship together as a family at Redeemer, but we’ve also created a safe, Christ-centered, nurturing environment for your children during the worship service if you need it. We offer a nursery for children 0-3 years old that spans each service and Sunday School. In addition, our early service offers Children's Church for 4 and 5 year olds that begins just before the sermon.
For help finding & navigating the nursery, see our nursery information page.
We love having our mothers with newborns worship with us and to make that easier we provide a nursing room/cry room in the back of the sanctuary on the second floor balcony.
“So, Redeemer is a multiethnic church in Jackson, MS...then what do your worship services look like?”
Redeemer members come from multiple “city cultures” in Jackson and represent a wide variety of worship styles. As such, we seek to blend these diverse worship styles into an authentic service that both honors God while expressing the hearts of believers represented in our church. Our worship is guided by Scripture and focused on who God is and what He has done in Jesus Christ. It is designed to draw visitors into the presence of the living God without being distracted by one set of specific cultural distinctives.
In our worship services, the expository preaching of God’s Word is prominent. But in addition to hearing the Word preached, we will recite our historic creeds and confessions expressing everyone’s need for a Savior and a right relationship with God that can only be found through trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ. We desire that everyone who attends our services is able to say, “Today, I have been in God’s presence.”
We encourage you to get involved with one of our small groups (aka “Growth Groups"). Some Growth Groups meet Sunday afternoon/evening across the Jackson Metro area and other groups meet on Wednesday evenings. Find one nearest you on our Growth Groups page!