Fifty years ago…
Our Roots
Redeemer Church is rooted in God’s gracious work through Trinity Church PCA, a sister church which had its home at our current Redeemer location for over fifty years.
In 2004, Trinity had outgrown the Northside Drive facilities and elected to move to a new location on Old Canton Road.
With a heart toward continued ministry to our surrounding neighborhoods, Broadmoor and Broadmeadow, a portion of the Trinity family remained at the Northside Drive location to start Redeemer Church.
A New Beginning
Redeemer Church began regular worship services on November 7, 2004, as a church plant of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery.
As our new congregation organized, we conducted a search for a pastor. Rev. Mike Campbell, from Pinelands Presbyterian Church in Miami, Florida was interviewed and met with our organizing body.
In a unanimous congregational vote, Redeemer Church called Mike and God led him to accept the call to pastor us at Redeemer Church. Mike and his family moved to Jackson in October 2004.
Becoming Official
On February 13, 2005, Redeemer became an official “particular church” of the Presbyterian Church in America. We are a church body dedicated to multi-ethnicity while remaining true to the Reformed faith.
By God’s grace we saw significant growth under the leadership of Pastor Mike, but in 2015, Mike felt God calling him back to Florida where he accepted a call to Old Cutler Presbyterian Church in Miami.
Again, Redeemer Church formed a pastoral search committee and sought God’s provision for a new pastor. The congregation officially voted December 6, 2015, to call Reverend Elbert McGowan, Jr. as the new senior pastor of Redeemer Church.
“Pastor El”, as we affectionately call him, was installed as our new pastor February of 2016. By God’s continued grace we are steadily growing and seeing lives transformed because of the Gospel of Jesus.