Redeemer Church (PCA) is governed by spiritually qualified elders and served by spiritually qualified deacons, both chosen by the people.

Teaching Elders

Rev. Elbert McGowan, Jr.

Senior Pastor

Brian Gault

Assistant Pastor of Shepherding and Discipleship

Zack Owens

Assistant Pastor of Congregational Care

Wilson Jamison

Assistant Pastor of Youth Ministry

Ruling Elders

"Elders are gifted and called to watch diligently over the flock committed to their charge, that no corruption of doctrine or of morals enter therein.  They should visit the people at their homes, especially the sick.  They should instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the Church.  They should set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by their zeal to evangelize the unconverted and make disciples” (Book of Church Order 8-3).

Grant Callen

Elder, Chair of the Administration Committee

Tu Combs


Gene Dent


Scott Marshall

Elder, Co-Chair of the Children & Youth Committee

Barry McCay


Kelle Menogan

Elder, Clerk

Marculis Mosby

Elder, Committee on Discipleship Ministries

Herb Sanders

Elder, Chair of the Missions Committee

Andy Sauerwein


William Stackler

Elder, Chair of the Worship Committee

Trey Watkins



Deacons are gifted and called to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress.  “It is their duty also to develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed.  They shall have the care of the property of the congregation” (Book Church of Order 9-2).

Karl Arndt


Grafton Bragg


Philip Carter

Deacon, Ushering & Worship

Davidson Forester

Deacon, Property Co-Chair

Jon Fults

Deacon, Treasurer, Finance Chair

David Garner

Deacon, Property Co-Chair

Jake Garner

Deacon, Chair Secretary

Levi Gill

Deacon, Sabbatical

Reid Haygood


John Hooker

Deacon, Mercy

Detrick Johnson

Deacon, Helps Chair, Mercy

Baskin Jones

Deacon, Mercy Chair

Guin Kendrick


Blaise King

Deacon, Chair

Cody McCain

Deacon, Sabbatical

Greg Ross


Jonathan Shull

Deacon, Sabbatical

Jeremy Smith


Johnston Walker

Deacon, Property

Ellis Tucker

Deacon, Property

Thomas Wallace

Deacon, Sabbatical

Tamarco White



When a deacon or ruling elder by reason of age or infirmity desires to be released from the active duties of the office, he may at his request and with the approval of the Session be designated deacon or elder emeritus. When so designated, he is no longer required to perform the regular duties of his office, but may continue to perform certain of these duties on a voluntary basis, if requested by the Session or a higher court. He may attend Diaconate or Session meetings, if he so desires, and may participate fully in the discussion of any issues, but may not vote. (BCO 24-10)