In Psalm 1, the psalmist compares the healthy believer to a tree planted by streams of living water that flourishes in its season. In order for a tree to thrive, it needs good soil, plenty of sunlight, sufficient water, and regular carbon dioxide.
Likewise, there are certain things that you need to flourish in the Christian life.
We want Redeemer to be an intentionally multi-ethnic, Gospel-centered, covenant community where every member has the opportunity to (1) worship, (2) learn, (3) give, (4) connect, and (5) serve.
If you are already a member here at Redeemer, take a quick inventory: where do you have the opportunity to (1) worship, (2) learn, (3) give, (4) connect, and (5) serve?
For more information on ways to plug in, contact Brian Gault.
If you are not already a member, and would like to learn more about the process of joining Redeemer through our Redeemer Explored Sunday School Class, contact Brian Gault.
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To see all Redeemer events, please visit our calendar.