The Christian life is a life of service.
We are called to serve God (1 Pet 4:11), our brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Pet 4:10), our neighbors (Gal 5:13-14), and the least of these (Matt 25:40).
At Redeemer, we want to give you a place to serve both in the life of the church and in our local parish. We want to share the good news of Jesus in ministries of Word and Deed.
We want EVERYONE to find a place to serve. We believe it's an aspect of healthy membership. Even in busy seasons, we want you to find at least one place to serve. Everyone pulling together makes for a lighter load.
And here's the surprise benefit: serving alongside others is a way to connect and be known. Serving on a team puts you in the path of likeminded believers.
We hope you'll find the right place for you, wherever you are in life.
Join us!
If you're ready to explore your options, fill out this form and we'll connect you to the right people to get started.