Care in Growing Church
As Redeemer is a growing church, we are always looking for ways to better shepherd the flock of Redeemer and equip its saints well. We value you and want to shepherd you as best we can.
Shepherding in Community
Yes, Elders are shepherds. They are called to watch diligently over the flock—to instruct, comfort, nourish, and guard. And Elders at Redeemer take these shepherding responsibilities seriously.
But shepherding also happens throughout the life of the church. It happens when we sit under the preaching of the word or partake of the sacraments. It happens when we learn together in Sunday School, when we pray together in the parking lot, when we laugh with each other in Growth Group, or as we encourage each other in the hall. Shepherding happens whenever we move each other towards Jesus.
Access to Leadership
Whether you’ve been a member for 10 years or 10 days, we want to make sure that every communing member knows how to access the leadership in the church. Everyone is important to us. To that end, each member has an Assigned Elder.
Members may contact their Assigned Elders for questions about the church or the Christian life, to learn how to plug into the life of the church, or to ask for prayer.
Your Assigned Elder is listed on your Breeze Profile, under the Church Contact section.
An Annual Rotation
We believe in a plurality of Elders. Each summer members are given a new Assigned Elder. Over time this gives members the opportunity to connect with multiple Elders. You may connect with different Elders in different ways, but over time you are connected to a diversity of Elders.
Each and every member is important to us, and don’t want anyone to slip through the cracks.
If you have questions about our Assigned Elder Ministry, please email our Assistant Pastor of Shepherding and Discipleship, Brian Gault, at