Stuck Video Devotional (vol. 7) – Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Gather around as a family for this 7th installment of our kids’ devotional series – “Stuck: How God Meets us in Tight Places.”

Scroll down to find Scriptures, Discussion Questions, Prayer Guide, and Activities.

Stuck in Exile – Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego


Daniel chapter 3 (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)

Daniel chapter 6 (Daniel)

Discussion Questions

WHAT (what did we learn from God’s Word?)

  • What were the names of the men stuck in exile? (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
  • What is exile? (Being sent away from home and not being able to go back)
  • Why were the people of Israel in exile? (Turning to false gods over and over and over. It was a consequence for their sin)
  • What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were told to dishonor God? (They disobeyed the King (didn’t bow down), and were thrown into fiery furnace, but God was with them)
  • What happened to Daniel when he was told to dishonor God? (He disobeyed the King (kept praying), and was thrown into a lions’ den, but God was with him)

SO WHAT? (Why does it matter?)

  • If exile was Israel’s consequence for sin, did God still love them? How? (By protecting them and providing for them. Israel left the promised land, but God never left His promise)
  • Connect the Dots: as a family, talk about how these stories are about Jesus (see if the kids can do it themselves!)
    • Jesus entered into our sinful world to save us, much like God entered the fire to save the boys
    • Jesus is the only King whose Kingdom will never be destroyed, and whose rule will never end (Daniel 6:26-27)

NOW WHAT? (What difference does it make in my life?)

  • What are some ways that you are tempted to “obey” when your own heart or people around you lead you towards sinning against God? What makes it hard? What helps you in those times?
  • The Spirit – given as a gift from Jesus, as He speaks in God’s Word – helps give us courage. What are some ways you need courage? What are some ways Jesus gives you courage?
  • The boys in Babylon couldn’t go to the temple and worship, but they looked forward to the day that they could (and God answered that prayer in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah!). We can’t go to church and worship. What are some others ways we can pray and worship while we are at home?
  • Think about specific people at Redeemer it may be good to pray for, then call/write them a letter.


  • TELL: Tell God how you feel, tell Him the things you are thankful for, tell Him how much you need Him (confess your sins)
  • ASK: Ask God for what you need, ask Him to help you and others (Doctors and nurses, people in our community who don’t know Jesus, our church, the people that we miss seeing, people who may not have their jobs anymore, and anyone else that you can think of.)
  • GIVE: Give God glory, honor, and praise!


In Case You Missed It: