Stuck Video Devotional (vol. 12) – Psalm 107
Gather around as a family for this 12th installment of our kids’ devotional series – “Stuck: How God Meets us in Tight Places.”
Today, we have a special guest speaker – Wilson Jamison. Wilson is an RTS student who serves as a pastoral intern at Redeemer.
Scroll down to find Scriptures, Discussion Questions, Prayer Guide, and Activities.
Stuck in Trouble – Psalm 107
Psalm 107 (open up a Bible and read the whole chapter together)
Discussion Questions
WHAT (what did we learn from God’s Word?)
What can we give thanks to God for? (His steadfast love)
How does God show His steadfast love? (By rescuing His people from trouble)
SO WHAT? (Why does it matter?)
How does God respond to our cries for help? (He comes to rescue us)
What kind of trouble does God rescue people from? (All kinds – whether they find trouble or trouble finds them)
NOW WHAT? (What difference does it make in my life?)
Name a time you have heard or read of God rescuing people.
What do you need God to rescue you from?
- TELL: Tell God how you feel, tell Him the things you are thankful for, tell Him how much you need Him (confess your sins)
- ASK: Ask God for what you need, ask Him to help you and others (Doctors and nurses, people in our community who don’t know Jesus, our church, the people that we miss seeing, people who may not have their jobs anymore, and anyone else that you can think of.)
- GIVE: Give God glory, honor, and praise!
Special Music
- Here’s Wilson singing Wendell Kimbrough’s version of Psalm 107 – “Oh Give Thanks” (
In Case You Missed It:
- Stuck (vol. 1) – Joseph
- Stuck (vol. 2) – Elijah
- Stuck (vol. 3) – Esther
- Stuck (vol. 4) – Lazarus
- Stuck (vol. 5) – Simon Peter
- Stuck (vol. 6) – Paul and Silas
- Stuck (vol. 7) – Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
- Stuck (vol. 8) – The Disciples
- Stuck (vol. 9) – Zacchaeus
- Stuck (vol. 10) – David
- Stuck (vol. 11) – John
- Stuck (vol. 12) – Psalm 107
- Family Worship Resources