Stuck Video Devotional (vol. 9) – Zacchaeus

Gather around as a family for this 9th installment of our kids’ devotional series – “Stuck: How God Meets us in Tight Places.”

Scroll down to find Scriptures, Discussion Questions, Prayer Guide, and Activities.

Stuck in a Tree – Zacchaeus


  • Luke 19:1-10
  • Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Discussion Questions

WHAT (what did we learn from God’s Word?)

  • What was Zacchaeus’ job? (Chief Tax Collector)
  • Why did everyone think he was such a big sinner? (Tax Collectors often took more money than people owed to make themselves rich)
  • What two things did Jesus say He came to do/what two things did He do for Zacchaeus (Seek & Save the lost)
  • What is greed? (Loving money/things more than people and God)
  • What is restitution? (Not just saying sorry, but seeking to make right what is wrong)

SO WHAT? (Why does it matter?)

  • Why is it surprising that Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house? (Loved and Honored him BEFORE Zacchaeus ever said I’m sorry)
  • What happens first: you and me changing our lives or Jesus changing our hearts? (Jesus changing our hearts – see Rom 5:8)

NOW WHAT? (What difference does it make in my life?)

  • Fear of consequences/Fear of the future are not powerful enough to change our hearts. Have you ever been sorry that somebody found out about your sin, but not truly sorry for your sin? What would it look like for Jesus’ love to change your heart?
  • Stuck in sin, we have a hard time repenting and seeking restitution. Can you think of a way that you can make something right that sin has made wrong? (Break brother/sister’s legos? Maybe help them rebuild it if they would like some help?)


  • TELL: Tell God how you feel, tell Him the things you are thankful for, tell Him how much you need Him (confess your sins)
  • ASK: Ask God for what you need, ask Him to help you and others (Doctors and nurses, people in our community who don’t know Jesus, our church, the people that we miss seeing, people who may not have their jobs anymore, and anyone else that you can think of.)
  • GIVE: Give God glory, honor, and praise!


In Case You Missed It: