RYA creates a pipeline to draw young adults into the life of Redeemer by providing opportunities to build ethnically, economically, and culturally diverse relationships; to grow spiritually through Bible study; and to minister in and through the church.

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Our Vision

As a ministry of Redeemer built on the foundation of the gospel, our desire is to cultivate a community of men and women who are spiritually mature, relationally diverse, culturally aware, and theologically equipped to carry out the Great Commission to Jackson and the world.

What does this look like?

  1. Young adults who give their energy, resources, and time in various ministries throughout Redeemer.
  2. Relationships among young adults that are ethnically, economically, and culturally diverse.
  3. Young adults who are culturally aware and theologically equipped to invest in their community.

Our Mission

We exist to serve Redeemer Church by providing fellowship, Biblical answers to core questions, and a pipeline into the local church for our young adults.

Core Values:

We promote a missional community that is centered around the gospel and safe for sinners. This gospel compels us to love God and our neighbors, which creates a community that is unified, yet diverse.

Biblical Answers to Core Questions
We seek to address core questions and concerns of young adults by pointing to Biblical truth, sound theology, and practical application.

Pipeline into the Local Church
We desire to draw young adults into the life of the local church, which is God’s original design for believers, equipping them to serve the broader community.

Our People

Redeemer Young Adults is for the young adults at Redeemer.

Who are young adults? Our target community is those who are transitioning into the rhythms of adult life and finding their place in the church. Whether you're finding your way in college, joining the workforce, or established in a career, single or married, Redeemer Young Adults welcomes you!

Our Tools

We build relationships to fulfill our vision and mission through three primary means:

Large Group Teaching: Once a month
Fellowship Events: Once a month
Impromptu Gatherings: Regularly. Ask to join our GroupMe!

Contact Person
Upcoming Events

To see all Redeemer events, please visit our calendar.

RYA Bonfire & Game Night

February 20 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

RYA Contentment Bible Discussion

March 6 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm