Our Vision

Growth Groups are a place where we can plug into a smaller community to know others and be known, grow in the Christian life together under God’s word, and pray with and for each other.

Our Structure

While the exact shape of a particular Growth Group will vary, each group will have three aspects:

  • Fellowship & Connection. Groups may share a meal or just get together. A major focus in Growth Groups is to connect with other believers and develop relationships.
  • Discussion & Learning. Discussion usually centers on the discussion questions from the Sunday bulletin around the sermon. These questions are oriented around applying God's word in our hearts and lives, and provide an avenue to know others through sharing the Christian life together.
  • Sharing & Prayer. Groups typically close with the opportunity to share prayer requests and pray together for each other.

The Details

  • Open Groups. All the groups listed below are open to anyone who wants to come. You can join at any time, or just try it out and see if it fits you.
  • Frequency. Groups meet twice a month on Wednesdays or Sundays.
  • Locations. Two groups meet at the church, one on Sunday and one on Wednesday. Other groups meet at people's homes throughout the city.
  • Size. Groups typically include between 10-15 adults, but some may be smaller and others larger.
  • Times. Times vary. See listing below for details.
  • Babysitting. Babysitting is provided in select groups. See group details below.

How do I plug in or try it out?
Reach out to one of the contacts below to get more information on any one of our groups. They'd love to hear from you.


Our regular schedule is the 1st & 3rd Sunday and Wednesday of each month. However, we are providing lots of flexibility, so individual group schedules may vary. Contact the host to find out details of when and where they meet.

Growth Groups begin Sept 15, 2024.

Sunday Evenings

In Madison
Steve Ozier; CL & Kirsten Pearce
Where: Pearce Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:00-6:30pm
Phone: 601.622.0993 (Kirsten)
Email: rainyshower@gmail.com (Kirsten)

In Madison
Grant & Page Callen; Scott & Helen Marshall
Where: Callen Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5-7pm
Phone: 601.316.9531
Email: pagecallen@hotmail.com
Childcare provided (call ahead)

In Belhaven
David & Mary Lee Lewis; Beth & Lane Morgan; Peyton & Emmaline Smith; Jeremy & Alli Smith
Where: Lewis Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5-7pm
Phone: 719.314.9297 (Alli)
Email: allibostrom@gmail.com (Alli)
Childcare provided (call ahead)

In Belhaven
Hunter & Mary Kathryn Evans; Mitch & Amanda McGuffey; Jonathan & Frances Lancaster; Robert & Sarah Tramel
Where: Evans Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5-7pm
Phone: 601.506.0528 (Mary Kathryn); 434.987.8027 (Amanda, for childcare)
Email: marykatevans24@gmail.com (Mary Kathryn)
Childcare provided (call ahead)

At Redeemer

Jajuan & Joya McNeil; Blaise & Ashley King
Where: Redeemer
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:30pm
Phone: 601.278.3703 (Jajuan); 601.951.8116 (Blaise)
Email: jajuan.mcneil@gmail.com (Jajuan); blaiseking1@gmail.com (Blaise)

In Jackson
Zack & Kristen Owens; Walker Dowell; Preston & Lauren Denley; Luke & Katie Drake
Where: Owens Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:00-7:30pm
Phone: 601.941.0851 (Lauren)
Email: Lcdenley@gmail.com (Lauren)
Childcare can be arranged (call ahead)

In Jackson
Brian & Leigh Gault; Bryant & Ronjanett Taylor
Where: Gault Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:00-7:00pm
Phone: 601.953.3256 (Brian)
Email: bgault@redeemerjackson.com (Brian)
No Childcare

In Jackson

Andy & Quita Sauerwein; Stan & Ravenna Wagnon
Where: Wagnon Home
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:45-7:30pm
Phone: 601.201.3363 (Quita); 601.366.8914 (Stan)
Email: quitasauerwein@gmail.com (Quita); stan@burriswagnon.com (Stan)
No Childcare

Wednesday Evenings

At Redeemer
Sam Pollard; Brandon & Misty Slay
Where: Redeemer
When:  1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30pm
Phone: 601.519.9670 (Brandon)
Email: bcslay@gmail.com (Brandon)
Childcare at the church with Wed night activities

In Brandon

David & Tam Garner; Bill & Alecia Wallace
Where: Garner Home
When: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
Phone: 769.234.8864 (Tam)
Email: davidtamgarner@icloud.com (Tam)
No Childcare

Contact Person
Upcoming Events

To see all Redeemer events, please visit our calendar.