Our Vision

Men’s Ministry is a place where men can:

  • Connect with other men in the church and build relationships.
    • Consider pursuing “Paul,” “Timothy,” or “Silas” relationships.
  • Develop habits and routines in the Christian life around Scripture, prayer, fellowship, and loving others.
  • Grow in our faith, specifically in our…
    • Awareness of our own hearts (motivations & idols)
    • Love for the Gospel
    • Imitation of Christ
    • Love for others (Spouse, Family, Church, Those who aren’t like us)

Our Tools

The Men's Gathering

Men's Ministry hosts a weekly gathering.
These are a time to connect and pray with other men under the Word.
It is a place to know other men, be known, and practice the Christian life together.

  • Spring Dates: 12 weeks, Feb 10 - May 5 (skipping Mar 10)
  • Commitment: We're asking men to commit to 8 of the 12 weeks.
    • This is a sprint, so we want men to invest.
  • Topics: 4 weeks each on:
    • Merciful
    • Mourning
    • Meek
  • The Lunch Gathering: Mondays, 12-1pm.
  • New Groups: If you are interested in hosting a new Gathering at another time, email Brian Gault.
  • Registration: To help plan details, we're asking men to register below.
  • Liturgy for the Week of Oct 19.

Fellowship Events

Fathers & Brothers & Sons Dodgeball Night, TBD

Pilgrimage to Zion: Day trip to New Orleans to see a Pelicans game

Men's Retreat or Gathering at the Lake.


But don't limit it to these events!

Consider calling, texting, grabbing coffee or lunch, or doing a front porch sit with other men at Redeemer.


Support Groups

If you would like to pursue healing and repentance from unwanted sexual behaviors, email Zack Owens or text/call him at 601.941.4166 to talk about options available for support.


Saturday Morning Basketball

Some of us need exercise. Others play for the love of the game. All are welcome.

When: Saturday Mornings, 8:30-10:30
Where: Smilow Prep (west end)
787 E. Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39206
How: Email Brian Gault to get on the GroupMe to make sure we're playing this week.

Contact Person
Upcoming Events

To see all Redeemer events, please visit our calendar.

Men’s Gathering Begins

February 10 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Men’s Ministry Pilgrimage to Zion

February 23 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm