Redeemer Explored, our Inquirers Class, discusses the vision and mission of Redeemer Church and is a required class for church membership.

Historically, we have offered this 10-week class each fall and spring during the Sunday School hour (9:45 - 10:35 am). New classes typically begin mid-September and late January.

Our hope is that you can come to all of the classes in person. The classes change each semester, and part of the class is designed for you to get to know others who are considering joining Redeemer.

In Fall 2023, we are moving to a 7-week schedule starting Sept 10, and we will be recording the class and posting it on this page. Here's the Notebook for the Redeemer Explored Class, Fall 2023.

Until we post the new recordings, here is a listing of the specific sessions that we've recorded in previous years and stored on our YouTube channel:

How Do You Become a Member of Redeemer Church?
(The Gospel & Membership Vows-How Do You Join Redeemer?)

What Do Presbyterians Believe? (Theology)
What Do Presbyterians Believe? (Sacraments)

What is a Presbyterian Anyway? (History & Practice)

What is a Presbyterian Anyway? (Government & Role of Women)

What Makes Redeemer Different? (Vision Part 1)

What Makes Redeemer Different? (Vision Part 2)

How Do You Get Plugged In? (You Have Something to Offer)
How Do You Get Plugged In? (Opportunities to Serve)