Crossroads (6th - 8th grade) - Wednesday nights 6:00 - 7:30

Rooted (9th -12th grade) - Sunday nights 5:30 - 7:00

Sunday School (6th - 8th, 9th -12th) - Sunday mornings 9:45 - 10:35

Our Mission

The mission of our youth ministry is to support the vision of Redeemer Church by leading to Christ and growing in Christ the 6th-12th grade students of our church and community.

Our Core Values

  • We desire to see teenagers transformed by the Holy Spirit through a living faith in Christ, not merely for them to be better behaved.
  • We want to grow students who understand and are being transformed by the Bible’s story and doctrine.
  • Jesus defines us; not race, socio-economics or family background.
  • We are driven by relationships not programs.
  • We long to form students who live in worshipful response to God both at church and in their day-to-day lives; not just know facts about God.
  • Youth ministry is a part, not a whole. We desire that every student attending youth ministry would connect to the life and worship of Redeemer Church.
  • Parents are the most important influencers in a child’s life. Our job is to come alongside parents, not take their place.
  • The Gospel changes everything. Friends. Career path. Education. Sports. Work. Family. We help students make the connection.
  • It’s not only about us “in here” but those “out there.” Through our words and our works of service we proclaim Christ and his Kingdom to our lost world.
Upcoming Events

To see all Redeemer events, please visit our calendar.

High School Girls Small Group

March 4 @ 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm


March 16 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Enter the playground from the gate off the back parking lot. Access the youth room from the outside staircase.

Wilson Jamison

Assistant Pastor of Youth Ministry

Stephanie Greer

Assistant Youth Director