Below are Featured Events. For a comprehensive church calendar click here.


Summer Hope Exchange Community Group

The Hope Exchange Community Group is for any adult who wants to develop themselves spiritually and practically. We want to see God's healing touch in our 4 key relationships --…

RCA ArtShare with Kenetic Etchings Dance Project

Join Redeemer Community Arts for an ArtShare hosted by Kinetic Etchings Dance Project. We will meet at the Ballet Mississippi Dance Studio in the Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E.…


Women’s Prayer Gathering

Women of Redeemer, join us as we gather to pray before our Wednesday evening Fellowship Potluck. We'll begin at 5:00pm, but feel free to come in anytime. Childcare is not…

Wednesday Fellowship Potluck

This summer, we have 6 Wednesday Fellowship Potlucks planned to foster hospitality, connectedness, and belonging. During the summer, the calendar at Redeemer slows and we take a break from our…


Kids With A Mission

What: Kids With A Mission is for rising fourth and fifth graders and their parents; it gives the chance for our kids to lock hands with missions and missionaries in…


Kids With A Mission

What: Kids With A Mission is for rising fourth and fifth graders and their parents; it gives the chance for our kids to lock hands with missions and missionaries in…


Kids With A Mission

What: Kids With A Mission is for rising fourth and fifth graders and their parents; it gives the chance for our kids to lock hands with missions and missionaries in…