Below are Featured Events. For a comprehensive church calendar click here.

High School Fall Retreat

Lake Forest Ranch 5326 LAKE FOREST RD, Macon, MS, United States

At fall retreat, we will get to hear teaching from God's Word by Jermaine Van Buren, Jr., play games, and enjoy time outside with new and old friends. We hope…

Community Garden Workday

Join us this fall for a series of Community Garden Workdays! We will be planting seeds, harvesting veggies, pulling weeds, and performing routine maintenance in the garden. This event is…


Mom’s Bible Study

Mom’s Bible Study is designed to be a time of study and fellowship for all moms, especially those with young children. When: Wednesday mornings, from 9:00-11:00am, beginning September 4. Where:…

Hope Exchange Community Group End of Semester Celebration

We will celebrate the completion of the Hope & Relationships course by participants of the Hope Exchange Community Group. When: Wednesday, Nov 20, 6:00-7:30pm Where: Redeemer Church Fellowship Hall Contact: Kateri…

RYA Bowling Night

Redeemer Young Adults will be bowling at Spinners and we'd love to see you there! Please RSVP in our GroupMe or to Maria Miller by November 18. Join the RYA…

Thanksgiving Evening Service & Supper

Join us for our Evening Thanksgiving Service as we practice gratitude together. Following the service, we'll enjoy a meal together with the main dish provided. Bring a dessert to share…

Now Accepting Director of Women’s Ministry Applications

Redeemer is looking to hire a Director of Women's Ministry. This is a salaried, 20-hour-per-week position. The deadline for applications (and the written reference) is Jan 31. Know anyone who you…

Serve Day at Hopeful Community Outreach

Help a neighborhood food pantry share food and hope with people from our community. Volunteers will help in 4 main ways: 1) packing non-perishable food into bags or boxes; 2)…