Below are Featured Events. For a comprehensive church calendar click here.
Week of Events
High Schoolers, we would love for you to join us for Rooted this semester. At Rooted, we get to unpack God's Word and enjoy fellowship together with some laughter (and food) along the way. Where: Redeemer Church Youth Room When: Sunday's, 5:30-7:00pm. Questions: Contact Wilson Jamison at
Men’s Gathering Begins
Men’s Gathering Begins
For 12 weeks this spring, gather with Redeemer men to meditate on and discuss scriptures on Jesus's Mercy, Mourning, and Meekness. The Gathering lasts 1 hour. This is a time to connect and pray with other men under the Word, sitting outside as weather permits. It is a place to know other men, be known,…
High School Girls Small Group
High School Girls Small Group
High School girls, come join us as we study the Fruit of the Spirit this semester. This is a great time to study God's Word together, get to know others, and pray for one another. When: Tuesday's from 4:15-5:15pm. Where: Church Library Contact: Stephanie Greer
You are not alone as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. You WILL walk through that valley. But God himself is with you, often by way of His Body - the Church. "For we do not grieve as others do who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13) GriefShare meets on Monday…
Mom’s Bible Study
Mom’s Bible Study
Mom’s Bible Study is designed to be a time of study and fellowship for all moms, especially those with young children. When: Wednesday mornings, from 9:00-11:00am, beginning September 4. Where: In the Bride's room at Redeemer church. The Bride's room is located upstairs behind the sanctuary. Additional Information: Nursery provided for children 0-3 and a…
All 6th-8th graders are invited to join us for Crossroads, our weekly Youth Group gathering for Middle Schoolers. We play games, eat pizza, and get to study God's Word together! Come join us! Where: Redeemer Church Youth Room When: Wednesday's, 6:00-7:30pm. Questions: Contact Wilson Jamison at
Upside Down
Upside Down
Upside Down began with this conviction: God’s word – by the work of the Holy Spirit and in the context of Christian Community – changes kids from the inside out and turns their worlds upside down. For 10 weeks each school semester, our trained/screened mentors lead kids through memory making activities (Bible/Catechism memory, eating, playing,…