Below are Featured Events. For a comprehensive church calendar click here.


Tuesday Lunch & Wednesday Morning Men’s Gatherings

Youth Room, Redeemer Church 640 East Northside Drive, Jackson, MS, United States

The Gatherings Men's Ministry hosts two weekly meetings at the church. These are a time to connect and pray with other men under the Word. It is a place to know other men, be known, and practice the Christian life together. The Lunch Gathering: Tuesdays, 12-1pm. Youth Room. Enter through the School entrance at the…


MOMS’ Bible Study

MOMS' Bible Study is designed to promote the gospel in the hearts of mothers through teaching, community, and prayer so that God may be glorified in their lives and families. Nursery is provided for ages 0-3. Bible Club, a time of ministry focused activities, is available for children ages 4 and older while their mothers…

Hermeneutics Workshop Begins

Want to learn to read your Bible better? Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting the Bible. Join Elbert McGowan and Brian Gault for six Wednesday evenings to develop a model for how to understand and read the Bible with more clarity and confidence. This will be a Workshop--which means that you'll actually be applying the…

Pipeline Young Adults Kickoff

Join us as Zack Owens kicks off our fall semester. This year, we are studying Tim Keller’s book, Encounters with Jesus. Join us for a time of teaching, fellowship, and worship as we connect and learn together. Who: Young Adults of Redeemer What: Worship, Fellowship, Food and Encounters with Jesus When: Second Thursday of every month, 6:30 -…

Men’s Ministry Bowling Night

Smilow Prep 787 East Northside Drive, Jackson, MS, United States

Strikes and spares. Turkeys and fellowship. (Not to be confused with fellowship with turkeys...) It's bowling night for our Men's Ministry. Date: Friday, September 20 Time: 7:30-9:30 Venue: Smilow Prep, right across the street from Redeemer. 787 East Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39206 Bring your own ball and shoes, if you have them.


Pipeline Young Adults Group

This year, we are studying Tim Keller's book, Encounters with Jesus. Join us for a time of teaching, fellowship, and worship as we connect and learn together. Who: Young Adults of Redeemer What: Worship, Fellowship, Food and Encounters with Jesus When: Second Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Where: TBD Contact: Chrissy Miller at or…

Pipeline Teaching and Fellowship Event with Anthony Forrest

Join Pipeline Young Adults for fellowship and teaching from Anthony Forrest as we journey through Timothy Keller's, Encounters with Jesus. A light dinner will be served. When: Thursday, October 10, 6:30-8:00 pm Where: Mary Claire Primos' Home: 1722 Lyncrest Avenue, Jackson, MS 39202 Questions: Contact Chrissy Miller at or (228) 731-0329

Women’s Ministry: Fall Soiree

Ladies- The Fall Soiree is just around the corner! This event is a fun-filled night of fellowship, food ( bring your favorite party food)and lots of laughter! Invite a friend. When: Saturday, October 19, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Alycia Dyson's Home - 5447 Meadow Oaks Park Dr. Jackson, MS 39211 Questions: Contact Sheila Nasekos at…

College Pipeline Lunch

Fellowship Hall 640 E. Northside Drive, Jackson,, MS, United States

College Pipeline is a landing place for college students to connect in the life of the church. Join us for lunch! College students can get to know students from other colleges (especially from JSU, Belhaven, and MC) and other Redeemer members over lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 am service. The design is…