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The Mission to Jackson committee, in partnership with the Diaconate, is organizing a Redeemer Food Drive that will support a food pantry housed at Hopeful Community Outreach and Barbershop — 548 W. Northside Dr. Hopeful Community Outreach is one of Jackson Leadership Foundation’s ministry partners. Find more info about the ministry at https://www.facebook.com/hopefulcommunityoutreach/.

For three consecutive Sundays, starting Sunday August 20, we are inviting all Redeemer members to bring non-perishable food items to share that will then be donated to Hopeful Community Outreach. Bring these non-perishables with you when you come to Sunday service. There will be a clearly marked collection spot in the Fellowship Hall.

Here is a list of commonly donated items:

Canned meats (tuna, chicken, vienna sausage)
Canned vegetables and beans
Caned soups or pastas
Dry goods inc. beans, pasta noodles, rice, oatmeal, grits
Pasta sauce
Peanut butter
Cereal, granola, or breakfast bars
Dried fruit, fruit cups, applesauce
Crackers of any variety
Bottled Water, boxed milk
Cooking oil

Marcus Landfair and his wife Tre run Hopeful Community Outreach and Barbershop. The barbershop and food pantry are just down the road from Redeemer Church. Proceeds from the pay-what-you-can barbershop are used to help those in need. Food insecurity is a chronic issue for some in our city. Marcus and Tre hope to meet physical needs with the love of Christ, and also connect people to education and development opportunities. They share food twice a month on Tuesday mornings to any in need. Marcus shares food because of his experience of hunger as a kid; although food give-a-ways aren’t a permanent solve to food insecurity, it is an important way to meet people in need and show compassion. Redeemer members are able to volunteer with Hopeful at their every other Tuesday food give-a-ways; next one is August 22. Hope Exchange is advertising through Hopeful to everyone who comes to the food pantry our Work Life job preparedness course which starts Aug 23 on Wednesday evenings. This effort is a way to better connect our church and connected ministries to the people they serve.

When: 3 Consecutive Sundays, August 20, 27 & September 3
Where: Redeemer Church Fellowship Hall

Contact:  Levi Gill at levijgill@gmail.com or 970.946.8467.


August 20, 2023
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
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