Session Votes to Move into Phase 4
On Sept 14 the Session voted to move to Phase 4 beginning Sept 27. Here’s what you need to know:
- Sunday School for all ages will return, socially distanced, running from 9:45-10:30am.
- The Adult Sunday School class will meet in the Sanctuary.
- The Redeemer Explored class will meet in the Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
- Youth Sunday School (6th – 12th) will meet in the Youth Room.
- Children’s Sunday School (K4-5th) will have registration to limit attendance.
- We are not yet offering Nursery during Sunday School. You are welcome to bring your nursery age child to Adult Sunday School.
- Masks will be worn at Phase 4 events of 21 or more people meeting at the church.
- The 9:00am service (with the livestream) will return to 8:00am.
- Nursery will be available beginning with the 8:00am service.
- Registration will be used to limit attendance.
- Auxiliary large group meetings are now free to resume, applying safety principles.
- Growth Groups, Women’s Bible Studies, Mom’s Bible Study, Men’s Gatherings, and Youth Ministry have plans to return.
- Here are the other details we have now. Additional details will be published as they develop.