Wedding Policy
A. Church facilities will be made available for Christian marriages by consent of the Redeemer Session or its designated agent.
B. Requirements for consent will include but not be limited to:
- Receipt of Request For Wedding Reservations
- Evidence that bride and groom are Christians
- Evidence that bride and groom meet biblical and denominational requirements as interpreted by Redeemer
- Compliance with civil laws
- Compliance with Redeemer’s Wedding Policy
- Compliance with other requirements by Redeemer’s Session or its designated agents which will include:
- Interviews
- Counseling sessions
- Approval of officiating and assisting Ministers
- Approval of Wedding Service content (based upon orders of wedding services included in packet)
- Approval of decorations
- Agreement that Redeemer will not be financially responsible for expenses incurred by wedding cancellation or rescheduling
- Click here to pay Usage/Service fee:
- $200.00 if bride or groom are members of Redeemer
- $1,000.00 if not members
- Click here to pay Security Deposit. Refundable after any charges for repairs for damages to church facilities are subtracted, or if cancellation is made over 60 days before the wedding date:
- $200.00 if bride or groom are members of Redeemer
- $500.00 if not members
C. Redeemer will provide the following:
- Facility usage for the following:
- Sanctuary, Narthex and several adjoining rooms for Bride, Groom, attendants and family
- Parking.
- The church Building Usage Policy Manual should be consulted for instruction on applying for use of additional building facilities such as Kitchen, Fellowship Hall or Nursery.
- Services
- Audio/Visual and Lighting system operation
- Facilities clean-up after the service