Event Request Event Request Use this form to submit information about church events that should be included on the church website. Events might be included on the homepage, on a ministry page, and/or on the calendar. Which committee approved this event?*AdministrationChildren & YouthCongregational CareDiscipleship MinistriesMissionsWorshipStaffName of Person Submitting this Form*Your Email* Event Name*Event Date/s*If this event is recurring or happens on more than one day, please list all dates that apply.Event Start & End Time*If this event includes more than one day and the times are different on each day, please make that clear.Event Location*If at the church please include the room where the event will take place. If the event is off-site, please provide an address.Event Description*Please include: who it's for and what it's for.On which Ministry Pages on the Website would you like this event to appear?* Featured - Main Page - this requires an image (1600x1067) Children Youth Redeemer Young Adults Redeemer Community Arts Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Congregational Care Growth Groups Outreach Second Saturday Serve None Will you provide food for the Event?* Yes No Nursery and/or children’s ministry components to events can be approved by the Children & Youth Committee for churchwide events that are requested 3 months in advance. Would you like to make this request?* No Nursery (0-3) Children (K4-5th grade) Nursery (0-3) & Children (K4-th grade) Event Sign-up FormIf the event requires sign-up, please include all the information that should be collected on the sign-up form. Put each sign-up field on a new line.Who should be listed as the contact person for the event?* First Last Event Contact Email Event Contact PhoneEvent Artwork or PhotosUpload your event artwork or photos to be included here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB. I would like to include an Announcement in the Bulletin & Wednesday Update No Yes Here are my 2 Sentences that will run for 2 Weeks in the Bulletin & Wednesday Update:Any additional information you want included? Δ