Below are Featured Events. For a comprehensive church calendar click here.


Upside Down

Upside Down began with this conviction: God’s word – by the work of the Holy Spirit and in the context of Christian Community – changes kids from the inside out and turns their worlds upside down. For 10-12 weeks each school semester, our trained/screened mentors lead kids through memory making activities (Bible/Catechism memory, eating, playing,…

RYA & Zack Owens on Singleness

Join Redeemer Young Adults on Thursday September 15 for our monthly teaching event! We seek to address core questions and concerns of young adults by pointing to Biblical truth, sound theology, and practical application. During this time together, there will be time for fellowship, singing and teaching. Date: Thursday, September 15 Time: 7:00-8:00 pm Location:…

Redeemer Community Arts-ArtShare Event

Join us for an evening of fellowship, art, and food! If you are engaged in any kind of creative activity, please come share it with us - visual art, music, poetry, dance, or just come and simply enjoy.  Light refreshments will be served. When: Friday, September 16 at 6:30pm Where: James and Laina Kenyon's home:…


Mom’s Bible Study

What: Mom’s Bible Study is designed for all moms especially those with young children. When: Wednesday mornings, from 9:00-11:00am, beginning September 7. Where: Redeemer Church Fellowship Hall. Additional Information: Nursery provided for children 0-3 and a Bible Club for older children attending. Contact: Gloria Ozier at


Upside Down

Upside Down began with this conviction: God’s word – by the work of the Holy Spirit and in the context of Christian Community – changes kids from the inside out and turns their worlds upside down. For 10-12 weeks each school semester, our trained/screened mentors lead kids through memory making activities (Bible/Catechism memory, eating, playing,…

Youth Volunteer Dinner and Discussion

What: A night of fellowship, training, and discussion for Crossroads and Rooted volunteers as we look forward to this coming semester. When:  Thursday, September 22, from 6:00-8:00pm. Where: Redeemer Church Youth Room Additional Information: Dinner will be served. Contact: Wilson Jamison at: or 205.540.0369. Please sign up below:


Mom’s Bible Study

What: Mom’s Bible Study is designed for all moms especially those with young children. When: Wednesday mornings, from 9:00-11:00am, beginning September 7. Where: Redeemer Church Fellowship Hall. Additional Information: Nursery provided for children 0-3 and a Bible Club for older children attending. Contact: Gloria Ozier at


Upside Down

Upside Down began with this conviction: God’s word – by the work of the Holy Spirit and in the context of Christian Community – changes kids from the inside out and turns their worlds upside down. For 10-12 weeks each school semester, our trained/screened mentors lead kids through memory making activities (Bible/Catechism memory, eating, playing,…

Annual Neighborhood Fish Fry

Family-friendly event for our church members and our friends, family and neighbors. The entire Broadmoor and Broadmeadow Communities are invited. This is our Fall Kick-off family friendly event where the members of our church community can meet members of our parish. We will have good food (FREE fish meal), family games and a large inflatable,…