Mark and Stephanie Horn- Ocean Springs MS
This week we are praying for Mark and Stephanie Horn and their church planting ministry in Ocean Springs, MS. In their recent newsletter, they shared some exciting work they’ve seen God doing: providing a strong core group, connections and conversations in evangelism efforts, and the ‘fertile ground’ for evangelism they’ve found on the coast.
Pray for the Lord’s work here, and for interns, residents, and volunteers to join in the movement that God is creating! In the newsletter, they also shared about Steve and Sherry Lanier’s activity with the church plant. Steve shared stories about Mark and Stephanie’s hearts for the lost and relationships they’ve built with people around town.
Pray for the core group that meets on Sunday evenings in the Horn’s home. Pray for the development of a worshipping community at Hope Presbyterian Church and around the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Pray for continued opportunities to build relationships in Ocean Springs. And pray for the unfolding and growing vision to share this ministry!
For more information about Mark and Stephanie Horn and their work in Ocean Springs, you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.