New City Fellowship West End
This week, we are praying for New City Fellowship West End in St. Louis. Pastor Thurman Williams shared some highlights from the life of their church in 2022: ten new members including two adult baptisms for teenage young men who were led to Christ in the Spring, the ordination of Anthony Johnson, the church’s third anniversary, restarting a Bible study at a local apartment complex, and graduating and new members of their pastoral residency program. Praise God for how He has blessed and used them in the midst of many challenges!
Pray for God’s blessing on their community outreach programs in their neighborhood. Pray for continued financial support, and the six men going through their Deacon Training class. Pray for an opportunity to lead an Equipping for Evangelism class at the church this Spring.
For more information about New City Fellowship West End, you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.