Rachel Stugart, Thailand
It has been a busy and exciting past few months in Thailand for Rachel Stugart as she enjoys summer events and having interns on the field. She shared some recent highlights: a VBS that their interns and kids attended, spending time with five teenagers who are interested in knowing Jesus, building friendships through time together, prayer, Bible study, a dance class, and playing at the pool.
Grace City recently hosted a conference entitled “Faith and Work” to help business people consider how the gospel can change their work lives. They were able to pair the conference with the recently finished translation of Tim Keller’s “Every Good Endeavor” and give away around a hundred of these books to Thai professionals.
Please pray for Rachel as she works with these summer interns, that it would be encouraging for her and for them. Pray also for these other relationships Rachel is having opportunities to invest in, that they would lead to people knowing and being encouraged in the Lord.
For more information about Rachel’s work in Thailand, you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.