Chandra Crane
Currently, Chandra Crane and her family are in Thailand. She shared in her newsletter how she is excited for her children to be able to visit and experience the country, learning about some of the ways it is very different than the United States.
After their trip, Chandra will get to address new staff from across the nation in Wisconsin at their Orientation for New Staff. Along with one of her colleagues, she will be sharing some of InterVarsity’s rich history and how a multiethnic kingdom has always been part of the organizational ethos. This will be Chandra’s first in-person national speaking engagement since she has taken on the role as the National Mixed Ministry Coordinator.
Her team is wrapping up a time of Ministry Partner Development where they focused on updating current partners and inviting new partners to join the team. Because God has provided so abundantly for her own fundraising, Chandra is able to work to raise specific funds for Mixed Ministry.
Pray for these upcoming events, and for the Crane’s time in Thailand. For more information about Chandra Crane and her work with Intervarsity, you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.