Josh and Ruth Tsavatewa, Sacred Road
In their May update, Josh and Ruth Tsavatewa shared about what has been keeping them busy at Sacred Road recently. Over a span of three weeks, nine groups of college students from Reformed University Fellowship came to invest their time in work projects and Kids Club. This was the first time they’ve held Kids Clubs since COVID started. They saw friendships built between college students and kids, had some helpful work projects at Village of Hope and saw God’s blessing over their travel and weather even though there were some cold, windy days!
Looking ahead to Summer, they are excited to be able to take 25 middle school students to Young Life Camp. They are currently fundraising to be able to take a group of Young Adults to the Warrior Leadership Summit, an opportunity to hear from Native Christian Leaders about how to follow Jesus and remain Native. They’ve raised about 10% of the financial need for this trip; pray for them as they continue fundraising.
Pray for Josh and Ruth’s work, these summer opportunities, and for the youth students they’ve been investing in. For more information about Josh and Ruth’s work with Sacred Road, you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.