Stuart and Meg Mills, Peru Mission

In the Mills’ recent newsletter, Stuart shared what has been keeping them busy lately:  Vacation Bible School, Sunday School ministry returning in-person, officer training, practicing with the music team, a Bible study on marriage, preaching and giving morning devotionals. He also gave an update on students studying the Birmingham Theological Seminary/ ThirdMillennium courses. They now have three different groups of students going through the courses and have incorporated the pastors of their churches with Peru Mission and a pastor of a sister church into the team of teachers. Please pray for these students and the pastors who are teaching them.

Meg has been keeping the children moving through their online school classes and meeting with ladies in counseling and Bible Studies. Please pray for their children, for Meg’s mom and sister in Japan, and for wisdom concerning future plans as they anticipate their Home Assignment in mid-2023.

For more information about the Mills and their work in Trujillo, Peru you can go to: Praying for Missionaries.