Stocks, Southeast Asia Update

The Stocks have been busy lately as they begin to transition back to more regular in-person meetings.  Since their church has been meeting in person, they have had plenty of opportunities to jump in and serve.  Brian has led worship, preached and baptized.  They’ve also been able to bake communion bread, teach CityKids and host a few gatherings.  Every week new people are visiting the church.

They’ve also recently launched a fellowship group at their house.  During this weekly fellowship group, they will meet for a potluck dinner and discuss God’s Word while spending time with a group largely composed of newcomers to their church.

Brian has been regularly meeting with a CEO of a factory about an hour away to read Tim Keller’s book “Every Good Endeavor” and talk about the gospel and work.

Recently, the Stocks were able to visit a state they’d never been to witness a dear friend’s wedding and celebrate the first in-person service of a new church plant.  This trip allowed them to reunite with men their church sent out a few years ago.

Please pray for the Stock’s church to grow both spiritually and numerically.  Pray for their new fellowship group, Brian’s opportunity to meet with the CEO, and for their family to have stamina and joy in serving.

For more information about the Stocks and their work in Southeast Asia, you can go to:  Praying for Missionaries.