Peru Mission Update

“The Lord of the harvest is sending out new laborers into His harvest in Northern Peru!”  Among these laborers is Alexis Alayo, from Trujillo, who was ordained in September and is now the Director of Campus Ministry for the universities in Trujillo.

The same day that Alexis was ordained, Esdras Vásquez was installed as the senior pastor at Iglesia Cristo Rey. Previously, Esdras served for several years as a campus minister.  The church just moved to a larger facility and is looking forward to post-pandemic ministry.

Please pray for Alexis and Esdras, and their families as they adjust to serving in these new roles.

Pray also for Peru Mission’s other ministries:  their Cristo Redentor Church, Geneva School, the Christ Kids program, and the Bethesda clinic.

For more specific updates about these ministries, and COVID impacts on them, go to their recent newsletter.  To learn more about Peru Mission, and ways to pray for them, go to Praying for Missionaries.