Please continue to pray with and for A, E, and K as they serve in countries that need to hear the words of Christ and to see the Christian life lived out in front of them. These countries are not friendly to the gospel, and, therefore, we are not allowed to share their names, the locations of their service or their newsletters. However, Jesus knows them and has personally called them to go and to serve and to share.
Prayer Requests:
1) That borders would open so that our missionaries can return to the field.
2) That the hearts of those to whom they have been sent would be softened to the Word and Spirit of Christ.
3) Pray for financial support for these folks so that
they can each enter the field unfettered from the concern for financial support.
4) For physical, mental and spiritual protection as they go into these lands and minister the gospel of Jesus while serving in His name.
For more information, feel free to contact Steve Lanier at