Brent Kooi
“John Piper has said that there are three options for the Christian in response to Christ’s gospel mandate: to go to the nations, to send those who go, or to disobey.”
Brent Kooi’s recent newsletter began with this quote. He went on to share that despite not being able to go to the nations currently, specifically Australia, the Lord has given him opportunities to equip others to discern their role in God’s global mission.
This fall, MTW’s Jackson Missions Cohort (J-MC) will begin. J-MC aims to help participants discern their missional calling and find ways to be involved in the gospel mandate here in Jackson.
Pray for Brent as he works with J-MC and awaits the re-opening of the Australian borders.
To learn more about J-MC and the Ministry Status in Australia, check out Brent’s newsletter. For more information about Brent and his work with MTW, please go to: Praying for Missionaries.