Diane Johnston, Life for Little Lambs

In January 2021, Diane Johnston started Life for Little Lambs, a ministry to children in the Metro Jackson Area.  Diane serves as the Executive Director and Lead Teacher of this exciting ministry.  Life for Little Lambs strives to reach preschool-aged children and children in afterschool programs and teach them about the Bible and “that Jesus Christ is the only way to have a relationship with God and live forever.”

This ministry has gained lots of momentum since January.  Life for Little Lambs started with two in-person preschool Bible classes and Bible lesson deliveries to preschools restricting visitors due to COVID.  Since then, the in-person Bible classes have increased to a total of five preschool classes and three afterschool classes for 5- to 12-year-olds.

Diane and her volunteers are teaching six classes within four miles from Redeemer and also ministering in Byram, Pearl, Florence, and downtown Jackson.

Pray for continued growth for this ministry and more opportunities to creatively serve schools with COVID limitations.

You can learn more about Diane Johnston’s work with Life for Little Lambs by going to:  Praying For Missionaries