Upside Down (vol. 9) – Firewood vs. The Tree of Life (Luke 23:26-31)

This week’s video from the kids’ Upside Down Series “Jesus Stories: the Gospel Of Luke”

Scroll down to find Scriptures, Discussion Questions, and Prayer Guide.


  • Luke 23:26-31

  • Isaiah 11:1-4
  • “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” (Proverbs 17:15 ESV)

Discussion Questions

WHAT (what did we learn from God’s Word?)

  • Jesus did show His love for us by dying on the cross. But what surprising message does Jesus have here for those who do not believe? (The Cross is bad news for those who do not trust in Jesus)
  • What picture does Jesus give for people who are dead in their sins? (Dry wood)
  • What do good trees do? (Grow, bear fruit)
  • What about bad trees? (No growth, no fruit, chopped down)

SO WHAT? (Why does it matter?)

  • You and me are like dry wood because of our sin. What was Jesus – the Living God, the Tree of Life – willing to do to save people like me and you (He was “chopped down” – dying on the cross)
  • What is the good news for Jesus, and for us? (He would come alive again, and we can grow in Him)

NOW WHAT? (What difference does it make in my life?)

  • Talk as a family about what makes a good judge, and what makes a bad judge. Spend time talking about what makes Jesus such a great Judge.
  • Jesus tells people they shouldn’t be sad for Him, but sad about sin. What makes you sad? How can being sad about our sin for a time bring joy because of Jesus?


  • TELL: Tell God how you feel, tell Him the things you are thankful for, tell Him how much you need Him (confess your sins)
  • ASK: Ask God for what you need, ask Him to help you and others
  • GIVE: Give God glory, honor, and praise!

In Case You Missed It: