What about the Kids? Coming back to Worship vs. Watching the Livestream

Worship is starting back at Redeemer! We cannot wait to be with the whole body again.

However, as we slowly get back to regular life, the children’s ministry and nursery will phased in at a later date. What’s a parent to do in the meantime?

  1. Let the Little Children Come: We want you to know that the burps, cries, whines, and “disruptions” that the youngest among us may bring with them to worship are welcome. While it may be different, we want to encourage you that your 0-5 year olds are a valuable part of our church, and so if that means we need to accommodate some more noises, so be it. Many of the church doors will remain open, and Our ushers will be ready and waiting to help show you where to go. Here are a few more recommendations:
    • Please reserve the Nursing/Bottle Feeding Mothers room for…nursing/bottle feeding mothers. They may need the quiet space for their baby to eat.
    • The Narthex (fancy Presbyterian word for lobby/foyer) is unavailable for hanging out. We are keeping the Narthex doors to the Sanctuary open to maximize ventilation.
      • If your little one needs some wiggle room, an Usher will take you outside and let you into the Fellowship Hall, where we will be livestreaming the service.
  2. Let the Little Children Stay Home (if you prefer): If you have any hesitations about bringing your child to public worship, and would like to continue watching the livestream/the weekly kids’ videos from home – we fully support you!
  3. Either way: let them come to Jesus, and model for them the value of Worship
    • Mallory Hammond (Children’s Director at Christ Presbyterian in Nashville) provides some helpful suggestions:
      • Use the Physical Liturgy to Help: Kids need movement
        • Kneel Quietly while Praying
        • Stand, sway, and clap while Singing
        • Hold out your arms while receiving the Benediction
        • Open the Bible in their lap and help them find the passage during the Sermon
        • Encourage them to draw and take notes (pull out notebooks, paper, pencils)
        • Anticipate the sermon time (i.e. bring snacks)
      • Keep an eye on your own heart as a parent
        • Kids push back and need consequences during/after worship? That’s not a failure: that’s parenting. “Love and discipline go hand in hand.” Hammond writes, “Teaching kids to worship with you will include challenges, but it is part of our work in raising up the next generation to know and love Jesus and His Church.”
        • It’s ok to grieve the way things were/this change for the moment. But with some shifted expectations, we can maintain normalcy for our kids (so helpful for them to feel safe). Hammond continues: “Make sure you are still prioritizing daily time in prayer and in God’s Word so that your cup is full enough to pour into your kiddos. Play the long game, friend…Kids worshiping with their families (however imperfectly) has a lasting impact and leads kids to stay connected to the Church for their lifetime.”

Love you all, and can’t wait to see you.
