Marculis Mosby, Elder
Marculis Mosby was born and raised in Greenville, MS where he grew up going to church. But it became very apparent in his teenage and college years that going to church was more of a religious practice than a saving relationship with Christ. He came to Jackson, MS to attend Jackson State University in 1996 and graduated in 2001 with a major in Industrial Technology. After college he made Jackson home. Around 2002, the Lord began to work in his heart and he finally became convinced of his sin and his need of a true saving relationship with Jesus.
Marculis became convinced that Redeemer was where the Lord wanted him to be, and he joined in 2005. He married his wife, Akida, in 2006 and the Lord blessed them with a son, Jonathan, in 2014. He’s served in various ministries at Redeemer and deeply loves this church.